Audrey / Aodeli Lovjoy

Spiritual Life & Manifestation Coach

Helping you reach your full potential

My Journey

Hi! My name is Audrey (or Aodeli, but in chinese) and I’m pleased to share a little more of my story with you.

Ever since I was young, I’ve been fascinated by human behaviour and psychology, as well as the mysteries of the universe and the holistic and spiritual aspects of humans. Unfortunately, I didn’t get the chance to study it as deeply as I would have liked, so I ended up working in the education area.

While I enjoyed my work and was able to help others in some way, I always felt like I wasn’t fulfilling my true heart’s purpose. That’s why after my spiritual awakening I decided to embark on my own journey of self-growth and search for the best ways to help others do the same.

Over the last few years, I’ve explored and learnt various approaches and modalities such as NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) , EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), holistic therapy, healing energy, and the laws of the universe. While they are all great in their own way, I didn’t feel like they were powerful enough to heal at a deep and permanent level, and in a fast way (at least for me, as I also had my own baggage of trauma).

That is, until I discovered Belief Coding®. This innovative modality combines the best of those modalities and more to help us achieve deep inner well-being, reach our full potential, and manifest our heart’s desires. I personally experienced the incredible and instant benefits of Belief Coding® and realized that it was meant for me to become a facilitator so that I can empower others with it.

I’m now honoured and thrilled to use this powerful modality with you, and enable you to experience that shift as well. My aim is to help you be your true and authentic self, overcome limiting beliefs, and facilitate you in manifesting your true heart’s desires.

I look forward to helping you achieve your fullest potential!


  • Mind Navigation Facilitator (coming soon)
  • Accredited Belief Coding® Facilitator
  • Attuned in Quantum Healing Energy
  • Certified EFT Practitioner
  • Certified Holistic Therapist


[Translation in French/Traduction en Français]


Quelques avis de la part de mes chères client(es)…

“Audrey a été merveilleusement ouverte pour moi! Je me suis vraiment sentie à l’aise et détendue tout au long de la séance. Après la séance, j’ai remarqué que je ne suis plus autant distraite par les situations externes et que j’arrive à me focaliser beaucoup plus. Merci infiniment pour cette séance ! 💙🙏”   Rochelle
“J’ai oublié de dire 😉… Audrey offre des séances incroyables, très douces, fun, et nous avons accompli un superbe travail sur une problématique particulière 👍”    Paul
“J’ai maintenant eu 2 séances Belief Coding® avec Audrey.
Elle est si accueillante, et je me suis sentie à l’aise dès le début. Son énergie chaleureuse m’a aidé à me détendre.
Les deux séances étaient liées à mon nouveau projet d’entreprise et aux blocages que j’avais pour le démarrer.
Eh bien, plus maintenant. J’ai maintenant commencé, tout grâce à Audrey. Elle a vraiment été présente pour moi.
À quiconque souhaite une séance Belief Coding® , je recommande vivement Audrey.”   

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Shaping Your New Life Today!